Debt, substance abuse and mental health
This work package examines the position of psychosocially vulnerable people in legislation. In this context, the term psychosocially vulnerable refers to people with serious mental health issues or a history of substance abuse or indebtedness. Substance abuse, poor mental health, and debt problems significantly limit the opportunities to participate in decision-making. People with these issues encounter a wide range of disadvantages that relate to their overall position in society and their ability to access help.
The analyses focus on:
- the legislative knowledge base on the psychosocially vulnerable;
- the current position of the psychosocially vulnerable in law drafting;
- the implementation and impacts of laws on the psychosocially vulnerable;
- the role of ‘experts by experience’, and the utilisation of experience-based knowledge as part of law drafting;
- how to promote the involvement of psychosocially vulnerable people in law drafting, including impact assessments.
We provide information to promote legislation that considers the needs of psychosocially vulnerable people. Our aim is to develop research-based solutions to improve consultation with psychosocially vulnerable people and ensure that their role is better understood when assessing the impacts of relevant legislation, from the drafting stage to implementation.
Adjunct Professor Anu Katainen from the Faculty of Social Sciences (CEACG) at the University of Helsinki leads this work package. The postdoctoral researchers from the University of Helsinki are Karoliina Majamaa (from summer 2021), Lotta Hautamäki (from 2022), doctoral student Veera Kankainen from the same organisation also work in this work package. This group also includes researchers from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare: research professor, Pekka Hakkarainen and senior researcher, Katariina Warpenius. See Research Group for more detailed contact information.
Seuri, O., Katainen, A. & Toivanen, P. (2023) Blurring boundaries of expert knowledge and stakeholder agenda – News media as a knowledge broker in the Finnish alcohol policy debate. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health.
Katainen, A. & Warpenius, K. (2023) Alkoholipoliittisen keskustelun myytit ja sokeat pisteet. Kirjassa Nuotio, K., Simojoki, K. & Yli-Hemminki, E. (toim.) Parempaa päihdepolitiikkaa: rangaistuksista hoidon poluille. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, s. 269-282.
Nieminen, K. & Sarasoja, L. (2023) Epistemic othering: The Interplay of Knowledges in Legislative Drafting. Journal of Law and Society 50:3, 322–343. DOI: 10.1111/jols.12443
Unlu, A., Tammi, T., & Hakkarainen, P. (2023). Stakeholders’ Problematisation of Drug Consumption Rooms: A Case Study of the Policy Initiative in Helsinki. Journal of Drug Issues, 53(2), 262–279.
Majamaa, K. & Rantala, K. (30.11.2022) Väliaikaisen korkosääntelyn ja suoramarkkinointikiellon vaikutukset kulutusluottomarkkinoilla: Politiikkasuosituksia
Unlu, A., Demiroz, F., Tammi, T., & Hakkarainen, P. (2021). The Complexity of Drug Consumption Room Policy and Progress in Finland. Contemporary Drug Problems, 48(2), 151–167.