precarious residents

This work package examines the position of ‘precarious residents’ in the drafting of legislation. ‘Precarious residents’ are people without Finnish citizenship, for example, undocumented migrants, asylum seekers, and beneficiaries of international protection. This group also includes any people who are vulnerable because of a lack of Finnish citizenship and whose daily lives are characterised by constant uncertainty about their future. In comparison to the majority of the population, precarious residents have limited opportunities to influence their own positions in society. They are constrained by social, political, and economic rights that are weaker than those of the rest of the population

The analyses focus on:

  1. legislative reforms and law drafting processes concerning precarious residents;
  2. specific features of law drafting that relate to precarious residents;
  3. the inclusion of precarious residents in the drafting of legislation that relates to them;
  4. the impacts of legislative reforms on precarious residents;
  5. the legal and technological environment for automated asylum decision-making;
  6. the impacts of emergency regulations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic on legislation that affects precarious residents.

You can read more about the study’s research questions and methods here. As a result of this work, we will produce research-based solutions and policy recommendations for promoting the rights of precarious residents in law-making.

This work package led by Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi, Professor of Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku. The group also includes the following researchers from the University of Turku: researcher Johanna Vanto and project researcher Oona Alitalo; and research assistant Nea Peltoniemi. See Research Group for more detailed information.

More on this theme

Vanto, J. (2023) Wiggle room: Discretionary power and vulnerability. Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku.

Policy brief

Alitalo, O., Vanto, J., Peltoniemi, N. & Alvesalo-Kuusi, A. (22.3.2023) Asylum seekers as information providers in law-drafting. Consultation pilot of individuals applying for a residence permit as minors. 

Alitalo, O., Pirjatanniemi, E. & Rytkönen, I. (2023). Kestävän lainsäädännön valmistelu: tapaus ulkomaalaislaki. Sisäministeriön julkaisuja 2023:3.